Varicose veins of the labia: causes, symptoms, methods of treatment

Venous pathologies are most commonly observed in diseases of the lower extremities, however, in some cases, varicose veins in women may occur even in the absence of foot problems. This condition can be caused by a number of factors that negatively affect the veins in this area, violation of the blood flow process in the pelvic organs, and lifestyle and work characteristics. Such genital pathology of the female genitalia is most commonly seen at the onset of pregnancy, when the load on the area occasionally increases, however, symptoms of this disease can occur and a number of provocative factors must be considered. to maintain the health of the female reproductive system.

What is the disease?

Varicose veins in the presence of symptoms characteristic of varicose veins are observed due to hereditary predisposition, however, the development of pregnancy has the greatest influence on the development and further progression of the disease. During this period, hormonal changes take place in the body, and body weight gradually increases, leading to an increase in the pressure on the genitals of a woman with protruding veins, which characterizes the development of varicose veins.

This disease is detected by a phlebologist, who can use an external examination to determine the initial stage of the disease. For a more accurate diagnosis, a number of tests are performed on a woman’s labia that allow not only the presence of protruding veins but also the stage of the pathology to be determined. Accurate diagnosis, during which vulvar varicose veins are detected, allows the physician to establish the most effective treatment regimen that allows for the rapid elimination of obvious manifestations of the pathology.

pain with varicose veins

In this part of the female body, the initial stage of varicose veins is relatively minor (such as the severity and fullness of the barrier, itching and burning, which occur most strongly when urinating), but as the progression of symptoms increases, discomfort as the pregnancy progresses. Therefore, the earlier the required treatment is started, the easier it is for a woman to tolerate pregnancy, and the less likely it is that side effects of this pathology will occur in the future.

Symptoms of varicose veins in the labia

The manifestations of the female genital disease studied are quite characteristic, which allows its identification at an early stage of development and prevents the exacerbation of the manifestations. In the labia, varicose veins affect a woman's genitals and lower extremities due to changes in hormone levels and during the onset and development of pregnancy, when body weight is significantly increased.

In addition, the following manifestations must be attributed to the symptoms of the disease in question:

  • the appearance of a feeling of fullness in the perineal region;
  • burning and itching, especially during urination;
  • an increase in the size of the labia due to bulging of the veins from the surface of the organ;
  • swelling of the tissues;
  • discomfort during intimate relationships;
  • pain even during hygiene procedures;
  • an increase in the size of the veins in the perineal region, which can already be detected when probing this area.

In addition to the listed symptoms, which allow the recognition of the current pathology at an early stage of development, subjective manifestations can be observed, which occur with the onset of pregnancy and hormonal disorders.

Causes of varicose veins

Circulatory disorders of the perineum and labia are most often caused by the development of pregnancy and hormonal changes in the body during this period.

sedentary work as a cause of varicose veins varicose veins

However, a number of factors negatively affect the female genital area and predispose to the development of this pathology. Phlebologists cite such provocative factors:

  1. Heredity. If someone in the family has had a venous disease, circulatory disorder, or venous insufficiency, a woman may expect a relapse in the perineum, especially in the labia, during pregnancy.
  2. Sedentary lifestyle and insufficient physical activity. Stagnation of blood circulation, especially in the pelvic organs, can lead to the development of this disease with long-term negative effects.
  3. Overweight. It is a significant body weight that can have a negative effect primarily on the veins of the lower extremities and the pelvis, so by controlling your own weight, removing excess pounds in time will help prevent the development of varicose veins in any part of it. the body.

The tendency to decrease, protrude and disrupt the circulatory process in the veins of the labia may also be an indirect causal development of the pathology in question. The combination of causes and provoking factors should be considered as the cause of the development and further exacerbation of venous insufficiency in the perineum of the labia. Varicose veins tend to occur in the presence of the immediate causes of their development (development and development of pregnancy, hormonal changes in the body during this period), as well as in the presence of provocative factors and early detection of the initial causes. stage of pathology.

Genital varicose veins during pregnancy are considered to be a fairly common disease, occurring in about 40-60% of pregnant women in the first half of pregnancy, and in 10-20% during pregnancy. % of women. The phlebologist and gynecologist leading the pregnancy will help to make the correct diagnosis in time, set up the treatment regimen and other preventive effects.

Treatment methods

Treatment of varicose veins is performed only after a definitive and confirmed diagnosis has been made, taking into account the condition of the wife and the course of the pregnancy. During the therapeutic effect, the necessary adjustments must be made, the probable side effects of the drugs used on the body of a pregnant woman must be identified so as not to provoke the development of side effects in the form of allergies, exacerbation of existing symptoms.

The most effective way to treat varicose veins in the perineum and labia is to make changes in a woman’s lifestyle, increase physical activity, and perform certain physiotherapy procedures to improve blood flow to the pelvic organs. The use of the medication is discussed in advance with the doctor, an examination is performed for the occurrence of allergic reactions in the pregnant woman's body, and an exposure regimen is developed that eliminates the possible negative consequences of such treatment. Surgery can also be performed, which is usually prescribed at an advanced stage of the disease.

the labia are varicose veins during pregnancy

Ointments for external use

Venotonic ointments provide the fastest penetration of the active ingredient directly into the affected area, while the symptoms disappear after the first few applications of the ointment. First, their use eliminates painful feelings and itching.

Effective medications for treating varicose veins include medicated ointments that are applied to the affected area 2-3 times a day for a period of time determined by your doctor. The duration of their use depends on the stage of the disease and the degree of sensitivity of the body to the active substance of the chosen medicine.


Surgery can be prescribed at an advanced stage of the disease, when the symptoms do not allow for a normal sex life, causing unpleasant and painful feelings in everyday life. The surgical procedure makes it possible to remove the protruding veins and stabilize the blood circulation in the labia.

However, this therapeutic approach can only be used if there is evidence and a doctor is appointed.

Compression underwear

The use of compression clothing, which ensures the normal position of the veins and provides the necessary movement in the tissues of the labia, is an excellent alternative to other methods of therapeutic effect. There are several brands of such bedding, usually prescribed in the early stages of the disease.

Home treatment with folk methods

It is also possible to treat this pathology at home by folk methods, however, this type of exposure should be discussed in advance with your doctor. It is most effective in the early stages of pathology and as a prophylactic agent.

The varicose veins characteristic of the veins of the labia can be treated with a cold compress, rowan juice and a sitting bath.

Cold compresses, as practice shows, allow the elimination of itching and burning in this area and reduce the degree of bulging of the affected veins. They are usually used for a short time, after which an ointment selected by the doctor is applied to the veins to increase the tone of the veins.

Rowan has been shown to be effective in treating and preventing a decrease in the tone of large blood vessels and veins, and its oral administration makes it possible to eliminate the obvious symptoms of varicose veins in the perineal region of women. Diluted juice is also used for cold compresses.

Sitting baths help reduce pain, relieve tissue swelling. Anti-inflammatory herbs and rowan can also be added to such baths. Lubrication of the labia with venotonic ointments after such baths gives excellent results even in the advanced stage of the disease.

Is there a risk of a normal pregnancy with varicose veins?

The initial stages of the disease in question do not pose a threat to pregnancy, however, varicose veins in this area are the cause of unpleasant feelings in pregnant women, deteriorating quality of life. Varicose veins on the labia should be detected in good time during pregnancy - this eliminates even a slight risk.

Patient advice

As recommendations for preventing the disease, doctors advise you to avoid the appearance of being overweight, regulate the level of physical activity, and prevent blood stagnation in the pelvic organs.

Varicose veins during pregnancy are preventable on the labia. Paying attention to health and eliminating provocative factors makes it easiest to transfer a pregnancy.